How To Find a Supply Chain Job
Supply Chain Job This blog post is relatively small and simple. Yet, as you will see, it is of immense use to anyone in today’s world. I do not want to make it any more complicated than necessary. My friend Tony has a recession proof career. No matter what happens to the economy, or to […]
Supply Chain is the New Electricity For Today’s Business
Supply Chain is the New Electricity Recently I did a small but quite interesting thought experiment with one of my sons. We were discussing the invention of electricity and he asked me: “Dad, what would happen if there was no electricity?” Since I actually had such an experience, I recounted to him my life in […]
How to Increase Profits – Address The Confusions In Your Company
Five Confusions in Your Company Could Wipe Out the Entire Profit for the Year There is no doubt that confusion results in loss of action. Because clarity is the basis of all actions. Clarity gives you confidence and confidence results in action. Imagine a scenario where you need to make a decision and, in order […]
These Global Business Network Winners Know – ‘The Game Has Changed Again.’
These Global Business Network Winners Know When I explain to people that supply chain 3.0 is real, in general, I get three type of responses. 1. Most of the McKinsey (or their clone) trained strategists ask me to show data to back up this assertion. 2. On the other hand, more intuitive executives (mainly from […]
Fire-Aim-Ready Innovation (FAR) – For Efficient Product Development
For Efficient Product Development This article is an extract from The Five Star Business Network, written by Vivek Sood “It’s really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” Steve Jobs (1955 – 2011), Business Week, May 25 1998 “In […]
Open Secrets from Ancient Network
Extract from the book “The 5-Star Business Network”, written by Vivek Sood Secrets From Ancient Networks – Unchain Your Corporation “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose” Alphonse KARR, Les Guêpes 1849 Before we embark on the journey of exploration into the current realms of business networks, let us take a journey into the past. […]
Why are there Supply Chain Problems in Every Start-up?
Why are there Supply chain problems in every Startup? There is a common assumption that every company’s supply chain should be similar, if not the same then Why are there supply chain problems in every startup. Even learned professors at august institutions write highly prescriptive articles in highly regarded magazines such as Harvard Business Review […]
Understanding and Using Resistance – in Business Transformations Using SCM 3.0
19 years ago, when studying for MBA, our Professor in Change Management, Dexter Dunphy told us that Change Management is nothing but management of downside. How Much Do You Know about Understanding And Using Resistance? I understood that his point was every change has a downside – and as a change manager, the most important […]
What is required For Business Transformation Network ?
What is Required For Business Transformation Network? BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION NETWORK Global shipping is a very cut-throat business where you can make a lot of money just by buying and selling ships at the right time. So ships in operation are sold quite regularly. When I was in shipping – there were two kind of buyers […]
Amazon’s Threat to Australian Retailers : Why Almost Everybody is Missing the Most Important Point in Their Solution
Yesterday (on 2nd November 2017) I happened to briefly glance at the Australian Financial Review – the key finance newspaper in this country while I was waiting in the lobby for a meeting. No more do I subscribe to this newspaper, because it appears to be growing more and more out of touch with business […]