Crisis Management: When The Ship Is Sinking

ship is sinking - crisis management

From my observation after many years of working as a business transformation consultant for CEOs and executives, ​by the time many companies acknowledge they have a problem serious enough to demand the attention of highly paid experts, generally it is far too late. ​

Supply Chain is the New Electricity For Today’s Business

Supply Chain is the New Electricity

Supply Chain is the New Electricity Recently I did a small but quite interesting thought experiment with one of my sons. We were discussing the invention of electricity and he asked me: “Dad, what would happen if there was no electricity?” Since I actually had such an experience, I recounted to him my life in […]

Why are there Supply Chain Problems in Every Start-up?

Supply Chain - Why are there Supply Chain Problems

Why are there Supply chain problems in every Startup? There is a common assumption that every company’s supply chain should be similar, if not the same then Why are there supply chain problems in every startup. Even learned professors at august institutions write highly prescriptive articles in highly regarded magazines such as Harvard Business Review […]