Workshops on Green Supply Chain

Workshops on Green Supply Chain Shows the Path Towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Managers and the Sustainability Managers in corporations around the world are faced with a tough task. On one hand their mandate is make sure that the corporation is ‘doing the right thing’ in the societies that […]
How Green is Your Supply Chain?

It is generally accepted that environmental consciousness is now changing to environmental pro-activeness as organizations are discovering that it makes good commercial sense. Boards are asking the management to review their policies related to environmental norms, not only to bolster their corporate social responsibility aims, but also because consumers are asking for it. It is […]
Why Should the Corporate business World Look to Egolessness in 2014

Corporate Business 2013 has been a breakthrough year for the top echelon of professionals around the world. One of the reasons, in my view, is the focus on mindfulness. For the first time, I have seen the corporate world embrace a practice adopted in the personal lives of many masters in various fields. As the […]
Ten Reasons Why Your Business Network is Your Business’ Net Worth, and, How To Make the Most of it?

The simplest definition of business is to sell or buy the goods or services. Though, It may define the trading style of the past centuries but now business is not that much simple. One need to compete strongly to stay in the market, to be the best in every sense and above all being a […]
The Universe of Workology

I cannot claim to know everything in the universe of workology. But after starting work at the age of 17 and worked almost continuously (barring a few short breaks for full time studies), for the last 34 years I do have a perspective. And, I do not hesitate to share it when the need arises. […]
Are You Making What You are Worth Supply Chain

One of my posts on LinkedIn sparked a lot of interest and a healthy debate. I am not sure about the reason for interest but seems like people agree with the above statement, as well as its reverse: The person who does less than s/he is paid for, will soon be paid less that s/he does. So, […]

Supply Chain 3.0 Is Real When I explain to people that supply chain 3.0 is real, in general, I get three type of responses. Most of the McKinsey (or their clone) trained strategists ask me to show data to back up this assertion. On the other hand, more intuitive executives (mainly from sales and marketing […]
Benefits Of Supply Chain 3.0 In this series, I will address the second question raised at the start of the previous blog series – “What are the benefits of supply chain 3.0?” Before answering that question, let me go over the three type of responses I generally get when I explain to people that supply […]