Will Alibaba and its 40 Million Accomplices Ride Roughshod Over Corporate America?

Business Medium name is Alibaba Now that all the factories have moved to China (or some such places as Vietnam, Bangladesh, Taiwan), and all the customers have moved to the PC (or some such places as mobile phones or tablets) What will happen to all the middlemen? The retailers, the wholesalers, the shopping centres, the […]
Is there a Lesson for Business Networks in Brazil’s 7-1 Defeat to Germany in the 2014 World Cup?

Not too long ago I wrote a blog series on the transformation of Brazil’s soccer playing model from an individualistic style to a network-oriented style. Germany in the 2014 World Cup? In the early 90s, more than two decades since the last World Cup championship title and Brazil faced an interesting juxtaposition – continue with what led to […]
Interview Transcript: 5-STAR Network for Profitable Business Transformation

Topic:The 5-STAR Business Networks Interviewer: Ric Bratton of This Week In America Interviewee: Vivek Sood of Global Supply Chain Group (author of The 5-STAR Business Networks) Here is the entire transcript of the interview: Ric Bratton: Welcome back everybody! This Week In America, thank you for joining us! Our website is www.thisweekinamerica.us. As promised, coming up […]
Radio Interview of Vivek Sood on The Michael Dresser Show | 5-STAR Business Network

Radio Interview of Vivek Sood on The Michael Dresser Show Topic:The 5-STAR Business Networks Interviewer: Michael Dresser of The Michael Dresser Show Interviewee: Vivek Sood of Global Supply Chain Group (author of The 5-STAR Business Networks) HERE IS An audio of the interview Get It Now Here is the entire transcript of the interview: Michael Dresser: Welcome back! […]
Benefits Of Supply Chain 3.0 In this series, I will address the second question raised at the start of the previous blog series – “What are the benefits of supply chain 3.0?” Before answering that question, let me go over the three type of responses I generally get when I explain to people that supply […]