Global Supply Chain Group Books


How Organizational Silos Can Ruin Your Supply Chain

- Organizational Silos in Supply Chain​

Organizational Silos in Supply Chain Organizational silos are based on the division of labor, on organizing the labor in such a way that each individual specialized in what he/she knows best, so that it can all be integrated in such a manner that a cohesive whole which is created in the result is much better […]

What Causes Supply Chain Confusion

Supply Chain Confusion

About Supply Chain Confusion My last post “Supply Chain Confusion could kill your business“ generated several great comments from highly qualified professionals around the world, and in this post I want to explore the reasons for the confusion. Obviously, the confusion is debilitating, and unprofitable. I am sure readers will have their own experiences with the confusion […]

Optimising What? Why do Business Transformations Fail?

Business Transformations

Business Transformations Fail Optimisation has always been a hot topic for strategists and business transformations executives. Now, as the mantle for leading corporations is moving from strategists to the integrationists and supply chain leaders – optimisation is hotter than ever before. When discussing business transformations, in my workshops, presentations and speeches, in particular I enjoy the audience interaction […]

Industrial Age Tools vs Information Age Weapons

Industrial Age Tools vs Information Age Weapons

Information of Supply Chain This is the part 2 of my earlier post What I Learnt Fighting Pirates (Not in the Caribbean)! (that post was getting too long, so I had to break it into two parts). I asked bosun to send a repelling party to cut the ladder and the scrambling rope, while I sent two […]

5-STAR Business Network – A Company is Known by the Company it Keeps

5-STAR Business Network

5-STAR Business Network I am always amused to see the starry eyed stories of success of the companies in the business press. Many of the stories do not go deep into the real reasons for that success or to trace how transitory it can be, if those reasons disappear. It was not that long ago […]

How Organizational Silos Can Ruin Your Supply Chain

Silos Can Ruin Your Supply Chain

Organizational silos are based on the division of labor, on organizing the labor in such a way that each individual specialized in what he/she knows best, so that it can all be integrated in such a manner that a cohesive whole which is created in the result is much better in quality and much cheaper […]

Are People Consulting Business Transformation Worth It?

Supply Chain Congestion

Are People Consulting Business Transformation Worth It? A Large Number of Business Transformations Over the past 18 years I have facilitated, worked on, assisted in, and observed a large number of business transformation projects at a very close quarters. As a result, I have seen countless consulting business transformation people in action – many good, […]

Consequences of Confusing Between Supply Chain and Logistics Can be Painful

Confusing Between Supply Chain - Supply chain and Logistics

Consequences Of Confusion between Supply chain and logistics Recently, obstetrician Dr Liu Hongmei hit global headlines when she disclosed the story of a young couple who came to her after four years of intense attempt to get pregnant. Supply Chain and Logistics- Consequences Has The Answer To Everything. As it happens in these cases – […]


Benefits Of Supply Chain 3.0 In this series, I will address the second question raised at the start of the previous blog series – “What are the benefits of supply chain 3.0?” Before answering that question, let me go over the three type of responses I generally get when I explain to people that supply […]


Mr Supply Chain - Vivek Sood

Vivek Sood

Dr Wolfgang Partsch


Lin Giralt - Author


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