2007 Award of Green Supply Chains Celebration

Green Supply Chains Award 2007 – and the winner is …. Eastman Kodak! Mainstream corporations are really “Going Green”. And if you need more proof, it has just been announced that Kodak Eastman has won the highly coveted Green Supply Chains award 2007. There were 5 finalists in the newest and most interesting category – […]
Shanghai Expo – Green Supply Chains

Shanghai Expo – Green Supply Chains While showcasing the trade, industrial and transportation capabilities of the nations of the world, Shanghai Expo has scored another hit. Millions of visitors from around the world have flocked to this great city to visit the miracle of modern commerce. What they find encouraging is the emphasis on green […]
Supply Chain 2020 Conference in Melbourne

Global Supply Chain Group shares Green Supply Chain Methodology at Supply Chain 2020 Conference in Melbourne Supply Chain 2020 was held at Melbourne Park Function Centre in Melbourne on 20th and 21st July 2010 with huge fanfare. Supply Chain 2020 Conference in Melbourne Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus […]
This Week In America Interviews Vivek Sood on 5-STAR Business Network

Topic:The 5-STAR Business Networks Interviewer: Ric Bratton of This Week In America Interviewee: Vivek Sood of Global Supply Chain Group (author of The 5-STAR Business Networks) Here is a video of the interview: Here is the entire transcript of the interview: Ric Bratton: Welcome back everybody! This Week In America, thank you for joining us! […]
Crisis Management: When The Ship Is Sinking

From my observation after many years of working as a business transformation consultant for CEOs and executives, by the time many companies acknowledge they have a problem serious enough to demand the attention of highly paid experts, generally it is far too late.
Globalisation Is Inevitable – Prepare For It

When we renamed our company Global Supply Chain Group in 2006, the key thought running in my mind was that despite clear and evident trend of globalisation is inevitable – most companies still ran their supply chain on a regional basis. Many of our clients see value in global integration of their entire supply chains – while others […]
Will Alibaba and its 40 Million Accomplices Ride Roughshod Over Corporate America?

Business Medium name is Alibaba Now that all the factories have moved to China (or some such places as Vietnam, Bangladesh, Taiwan), and all the customers have moved to the PC (or some such places as mobile phones or tablets) What will happen to all the middlemen? The retailers, the wholesalers, the shopping centres, the […]
The Single Biggest Mistake in Business Transformations

The Single Biggest Mistake in Business Transformations The Single Biggest Mistake in Business Transformations AUTHOR VIVEK SOOD LAST UPDATED ON February 08, 2022 NUMBER OF WORDS … TIME TO READ ….. If I have seen it once, I have seen it a hundred times. A new person is brought in with a clear mandate. The […]
Interview Transcript: 5-STAR Network for Profitable Business Transformation

Topic:The 5-STAR Business Networks Interviewer: Ric Bratton of This Week In America Interviewee: Vivek Sood of Global Supply Chain Group (author of The 5-STAR Business Networks) Here is the entire transcript of the interview: Ric Bratton: Welcome back everybody! This Week In America, thank you for joining us! Our website is www.thisweekinamerica.us. As promised, coming up […]
Who Will ‘Supply Chain Dellify’ the Mobile Phone Industry?

Supply Chain Dellify’ the Mobile Phone Industry Dellify (verb) – the process of changing an industry model from high cost, low flexibility, make-to-stock model to a low cost, high flexibility make-to-order model. Before Michael Dell started his business from the college dorm, computer industry followed a very different model. It was been nearly 30 years, […]