Supply Chain Management Conference For latest know-how

Foreign Trade Minister of Costa Rica thanks Global Supply Chain Group’s Vivek Sood for representing Asia Pacific perspective at the Suppliers Exchange Forum in San Jose, Costa Rica The SEF 2 or Suppliers Exchange Forum was a premier event in Central American calendar attended by more than 800 participants, exhibitors and speakers. The event was […]
Supply Chain 2020 Conference in Melbourne

Global Supply Chain Group shares Green Supply Chain Methodology at Supply Chain 2020 Conference in Melbourne Supply Chain 2020 was held at Melbourne Park Function Centre in Melbourne on 20th and 21st July 2010 with huge fanfare. Supply Chain 2020 Conference in Melbourne Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus […]
How Green is Your Supply Chain?

It is generally accepted that environmental consciousness is now changing to environmental pro-activeness as organizations are discovering that it makes good commercial sense. Boards are asking the management to review their policies related to environmental norms, not only to bolster their corporate social responsibility aims, but also because consumers are asking for it. It is […]
Crisis Management: When The Ship Is Sinking

From my observation after many years of working as a business transformation consultant for CEOs and executives, by the time many companies acknowledge they have a problem serious enough to demand the attention of highly paid experts, generally it is far too late.
Interview Transcript: 5-STAR Network for Profitable Business Transformation

Topic:The 5-STAR Business Networks Interviewer: Ric Bratton of This Week In America Interviewee: Vivek Sood of Global Supply Chain Group (author of The 5-STAR Business Networks) Here is the entire transcript of the interview: Ric Bratton: Welcome back everybody! This Week In America, thank you for joining us! Our website is As promised, coming up […]
What Causes Supply Chain Confusion

About Supply Chain Confusion My last post “Supply Chain Confusion could kill your business“ generated several great comments from highly qualified professionals around the world, and in this post I want to explore the reasons for the confusion. Obviously, the confusion is debilitating, and unprofitable. I am sure readers will have their own experiences with the confusion […]
Benefits Of Supply Chain 3.0 In this series, I will address the second question raised at the start of the previous blog series – “What are the benefits of supply chain 3.0?” Before answering that question, let me go over the three type of responses I generally get when I explain to people that supply […]