Global Supply Chain Group Books


Supply Chain Management Conference For latest know-how

Supply chain management

Foreign Trade Minister of Costa Rica thanks Global Supply Chain Group’s Vivek Sood for representing Asia Pacific perspective at the Suppliers Exchange Forum in San Jose, Costa Rica The SEF 2 or Suppliers Exchange Forum was a premier event in Central American calendar attended by more than 800 participants, exhibitors and speakers. The event was […]

Will Samsung Use Galaxy S5 to Eat Apple’s Lunch?

Samsung Use Galaxy S5

The world’s biggest smartphone maker has struck again with the announcement of its flagship Samsung Use Galaxy S5 model to hit stores this April. Samsung Use Galaxy S5, unveiled at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Monday, features fingerprint technology similar to Apple’s latest iPhone 5S. Samsung also packs a whole lot of attractive […]

Who is going to win the battle of Titans (Apple, Amazon & Google)

Win The Battle of Titans

5 Things Your Boss Needs To Know About Win The Battle Of Titans. As everybody knows, three giants in the tech and software world have amassed an incomparable power in recent years from their networks and their strategies. With a vast range of products, they have stitched up the market amongst themselves. But what are […]

My Experience With Freight Cost Reduction Using Supply Chain Software

Freight Cost Reduction

Freight Cost Reduction Using Supply Chain One of the reasons I invest so much time and resources of our company in keeping current with the information technology is that good supply chain depends almost entirely on good information. And, your information is only as good as the technology deployed to collect, collate, store, parse and […]



Supply Chain 3.0 Is Real When I explain to people that supply chain 3.0 is real, in general, I get three type of responses. Most of the McKinsey (or their clone) trained strategists ask me to show data to back up this assertion. On the other hand, more intuitive executives (mainly from sales and marketing […]

The Rare Art Supply Chain of Getting Rapid Results

Rare Art Supply Chain

Rare Art Supply Chain I was in a meeting with one of my clients who was one of the top 3 executives in a large company, and he was telling me his experience from a recent corporate retreat, where 24 of their top managers had gone in for a strategic planning session for three days […]

How To Find a Supply Chain Job

Supply Chain Job

Supply Chain Job This blog post is relatively small and simple. Yet, as you will see, it is of immense use to anyone in today’s world. I do not want to make it any more complicated than necessary. My friend Tony has a recession proof career. No matter what happens to the economy, or to […]

Do you Know How Business Model Works & how it changed?

Supply Chain Function - How Business Model Works

How Business Model Works? I was shocked when I heard of the bankruptcy of Hostess Brands Inc. The $2.5 billion maker of Twinkies and Wonder Bread had about 33 plants, 565 distribution centers and 570 bakery outlet stores across the United States. I have no doubt tons of e-ink will be spilt on dissecting the […]

Five Supply Chain Key Cornerstones of The 5-STAR Business Network

Supply Chain Key

There are five Supply Chain key Cornerstones of success in building and harnessing effective global business networks So what are these 5 key cornerstones of the super networked businesses that lead to these networks being called the 5-STAR Business Networks? This Is Why This Year Will Be The Year Of Business. As an aid to […]


Mr Supply Chain - Vivek Sood

Vivek Sood

Dr Wolfgang Partsch


Lin Giralt - Author


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